We are the authors of Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms (ISTE -2007) and the forthcoming book, Differentiating Instruction with Technology in Middle School Classrooms (ISTE-2009).
We welcome you to our discussion site on differentiating instruction using technology and invite you to visit our website.
Hi. I'm a doctoral grad student and I'm interested in doing research along the lines of differentiating by interest. My current tags for webpages that I've bookmarded can be found at http://delicious.com/seth3d
ReplyDeleteand I can be reached at seth3d@sonic.net.
I've purchased your book, and I am developing some individualized curriculum along the lines of Holland RIASEC interests for students to choose from (using the computer as a delivery mechanism). I appreciate any advice, and I am glad that you folks are doing the work that you are. Hopefully, in the future, students will not all be stuck doing the same readings, same assignments, same homework. Instead they will do work that is geared to their interests and goals.